Inga 3 Hydropower Plant

The Inga 3 Hydropower Plant project is one of Africa’s most ambitious energy initiatives. Envisaged as a critical component of the Grand Inga vision, it aims to generate 11,050 MW by harnessing the immense hydropower potential of the Congo River. This in-depth analysis explores why the project is vital for Africa’s sustainable development, examines the challenges and opportunities it presents, and outlines the tangible steps that the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the African Union, and investors must take to ensure its success.

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DRC Unique Circumstances Doesn’t Need Another Nationalist Like Patrice Lumumba but a Strategist Like Mobutu (Without Dictatorship)

This article asserts that the DRC’s unique circumstances do not need another fiery nationalist leader; it requires a strategist—someone capable of forging pragmatic coalitions internally and externally, advancing military capabilities to secure its vast territories, and ensuring sustainable development in key sectors. Drawing on historical episodes, reputable sources, and factual evidence, we examine why strategic leadership can better serve the DRC’s interests than pure nationalism.

Read MoreDRC Unique Circumstances Doesn’t Need Another Nationalist Like Patrice Lumumba but a Strategist Like Mobutu (Without Dictatorship)

Félix Tshisekedi’s 2025 New Constitution Proposal: A Game-Changer for the DRC or a Power Grab in Disguise?

President Félix Tshisekedi’s administration has reportedly signalled the ambition to draft a new constitution for the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) in 2025. The idea of crafting a new constitution for the Democratic Republic of Congo in 2025 is, without question, bold and fraught with complexities.

Read MoreFélix Tshisekedi’s 2025 New Constitution Proposal: A Game-Changer for the DRC or a Power Grab in Disguise?

Trapped by Design? How the IMF & World Bank Keep Africa in a Perpetual Debt Cycle—The Hidden Truth About the Bretton Woods System

In the aftermath of the Great Depression and during the climactic years of World War II, global economic stability was in jeopardy. While many are aware that African nations owe vast sums to the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, few realise that these two institutions are, in fact, integral parts of the historic Bretton Woods system.

Read MoreTrapped by Design? How the IMF & World Bank Keep Africa in a Perpetual Debt Cycle—The Hidden Truth About the Bretton Woods System

African Union’s Potential Governance for a Better Africa: A Streamlined Analysis

Born from the fiery struggle for self-determination and driven by an unyielding desire for unity, the AU is not merely an institution; it is a powerful symbol of hope, challenging old paradigms and ushering in a bold new era. This analysis delves into the AU’s rich history, intricate governance, and groundbreaking milestones.

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From Liberation to Shackles: How the Rush to Independence Trapped Africa in the Colonisers’ Financial Chains – And What Mandela Knew That Other Leaders Didn’t!

The mid-20th century was a period of dramatic change across Africa, as waves of independence movements dismantled centuries of colonial rule. Critics argue that the “rush” to independence inevitably resulted in newly formed states that continued to rely on former colonial powers for economic assistance, governance structures, and even security frameworks. However, questions have persisted regarding the extent to which these nations were truly prepared to govern themselves immediately after colonial administrations departed.

Read MoreFrom Liberation to Shackles: How the Rush to Independence Trapped Africa in the Colonisers’ Financial Chains – And What Mandela Knew That Other Leaders Didn’t!

South African President Ramaphosa Delivers His Annual State of the Nation Address | N18G

South African President Cyril Ramaphosa took centre stage at Parliament in Cape Town to deliver his much-anticipated annual State of the Nation Address (SONA). This SONA, which marks nearly seven years of Ramaphosa’s presidency, addressed an array of issues, including South Africa’s pressing energy challenges, the country’s infrastructure push, critical social interventions, and the broader continental context of peace and security.

Read MoreSouth African President Ramaphosa Delivers His Annual State of the Nation Address | N18G

Paradox of Plenty: The Democratic Republic of Congo’s Resource Curse

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been mired in conflict, poverty, and deprivation since the 19th century. The resource curse hypothesis is at the heart of the DRC’s paradox, positing that instead of benefiting from their natural wealth, resource-rich countries often suffer from poor development, weak governance, and slow long-term growth.

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