Aric Jabari

Aric Jabari

Inga 3 Hydropower Plant

The Inga 3 Hydropower Plant project is one of Africa’s most ambitious energy initiatives. Envisaged as a critical component of the Grand Inga vision, it aims to generate 11,050 MW by harnessing the immense hydropower potential of the Congo River. This in-depth analysis explores why the project is vital for Africa’s sustainable development, examines the challenges and opportunities it presents, and outlines the tangible steps that the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the African Union, and investors must take to ensure its success.

President Tshisekedi’s Call for National Unity Against Rebel Terror and Economic Sabotage

This comprehensive report explores the evidence behind the president’s call, the fears gripping communities in rebel-held areas, the economic repercussions of strategic area seizures, and the breach of both national constitutional provisions and international law. By integrating verified facts, statistics, and firsthand accounts, this article aims to offer a balanced and evidence-based narrative that calls for unity and decisive action.

A New Chapter in US Immigration Policy: An In-Depth Analysis of President Donald Trump’s Gold Card Visa Programme

The announcement of the Gold Card visa programme marks a significant moment in U.S. immigration policy. By offering a fast-tracked route to citizenship for ultra-affluent individuals, the administration signals its intent to reshape the dynamics of investment-based immigration. While supporters hail the move as a catalyst for economic growth, critics warn of a system that privileges wealth over merit and could exacerbate socio-economic disparities.

Zelenskyy: ‘President Trump is living in this disinformation space’

Ultimately, the human cost compels a renewed sense of urgency. The stories of families torn apart by shelling in Mariupol, the harrowing journeys of refugees fleeing Kharkiv, and the mounting mental and emotional toll on frontline soldiers remind us of the stakes. Millions of people yearn for a future free of conflict—where children can attend schools safely, homes are not threatened by missile strikes, and peace is more than a distant aspiration.

Trump tells Ukraine ‘You should have never started the war, you could have given up land’

President Trump’s stance, as captured by a BBC broadcast and supported by fresh statements from his Florida residence at Mar-a-Lago, goes further than his previous rhetorical positioning. Instead of stressing deterrence through strength—his usual rationale—he placed partial responsibility on Ukraine, suggesting that a territorial concession could have averted the conflict altogether. These statements have elicited strong reactions worldwide, most notably in Ukraine itself, which has borne the brunt of the Russian invasion.

DRC Unique Circumstances Doesn’t Need Another Nationalist Like Patrice Lumumba but a Strategist Like Mobutu (Without Dictatorship)

This article asserts that the DRC’s unique circumstances do not need another fiery nationalist leader; it requires a strategist—someone capable of forging pragmatic coalitions internally and externally, advancing military capabilities to secure its vast territories, and ensuring sustainable development in key sectors. Drawing on historical episodes, reputable sources, and factual evidence, we examine why strategic leadership can better serve the DRC’s interests than pure nationalism.

Ecuador Election Ends in a ‘Tie’ Prompting Run-Off

A fiercely contested presidential election in Ecuador recently concluded without producing a clear winner, setting the stage for a high-stakes run-off. Recent years have seen Ecuador grapple with rising crime rates, a volatile economy, and deepening ideological divides. This article explores the factors behind the deadlock, and the clashing policy platforms.