Poland Is In The Throes Of Its Worst Political Crisis Since The 1980s
It’ll either continue sliding further under German suzerainty as a de facto puppet state whose people would be forced to endure the full-fledged imposition of liberal-globalist policies upon them or they’ll regain their sovereignty in order to protect their historically conservative-nationalist way of life.
Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has plunged his country into its worst political crisis since the 1980s in less than a month since returning to power. The Ordo Iuris Institute for Legal Culture concluded in a detailed report late December that his planned judicial and media “reforms” are anti-constitutional. In brief, he wants to subordinate Polish sovereignty to German-controlled European institutions exactly as the former ruling party’s chairman Jaroslaw Kaczynski repeatedly warned about last year.
It’s not hyperbole either to describe the political crisis caused by these so-called “reforms” as a constitutional one since new Speaker of the Sejm Szymon Holownia just suspended its proceedings for a week on precisely that pretext per the exact language that he himself used. This wasn’t due to Poland’s silent compliance with the EU’s new migration pact that’ll mandate the import of illegal immigrants under pain of financial punishment, however, nor Tusk’s forceful seizure of the national media.
What brought everything to this point was the police arresting two former ministers inside the presidential palace, who’d earlier been pardoned by President Andrzej Duda for allegedly entrapping a suspect, after the Supreme Court controversially reopened their case and then convicted them. Duda hails from the former ruling party and will remain in office until the planned spring 2025 presidential elections, unless of course he’s somehow or another removed before then, which can’t be ruled out.
Tusk accused Duda of obstructing justice after inviting those two former ministers to the presidential palace for the event that they attended before being arrested by the police there later that day. This scandalous incident was condemned by Kaczynski and his fellow party members, who used it to promote their preplanned “Protest of Free Poles” on Thursday outside of the Sejm. They also compared events to the 1980s era of martial law with the innuendo that their party is the new Solidarity movement.
If the opposition replicates their predecessor’s policy of nationwide strikes, protests, and other forms of non-violent resistance to authoritarian rule, which is their right to attempt given the circumstances in which the country has now found itself, then that comparison might become a fait accompli. This isn’t to suggest that it’s not valid at present, but just to point out that the large-scale economic disruption which could follow might lead to the tightening of Tusk’s crackdown to the point of actual martial law.
The future of Poland will be decided by the outcome of this political crisis. It’ll either continue sliding further under German suzerainty as a de facto puppet state whose people would be forced to endure the full-fledged imposition of liberal-globalist policies upon them or they’ll regain their sovereignty in order to protect their historically conservative-nationalist way of life. If the new Solidarity loses, then Polish society will be fundamentally and irreversibly transformed as a result of Tusk’s ideological mission.
He envisages Poland importing countless illegal immigrants (including civilizationally dissimilar ones that refuse to assimilate and integrate into society), removing all restrictions on abortion (possibly up until birth), and rampantly proliferating LGBT propaganda (with all the associated harm on children’s psyche). The country would never recover if this happens since Tusk is also arguably amenable to the proposed “military Schengen” that could lead to a continuous German military presence all throughout Poland.
If the local police, members of the intelligence community, and/or the armed forces end up supporting the new Solidarity, then he can call in German support for purging these “politically unreliable” elements from the state and carrying out their functions until “suitable replacements” can be found. Tusk’s version of martial law might therefore be even worse than General Wojciech Jaruzelski’s, who never requested Soviet support, and could herald the Fourth Reich that Kaczynski warned about in December 2021.
Dr Andrew Korybko is a political analyst and a regular contributor to the Sixteenth Council Insights