The Sixteenth Council Research Fellowship

The Sixteenth Council(the Brian Reuben Policy Group), is unwavering in its dedication to fostering and overseeing conversations on global issues that transcend boundaries. Recognizing the interconnected nature of these challenges, the council commits both time and substantial resources to comprehensive research within its intervention domains. By actively engaging in the discourse surrounding universal concerns, the council strives to catalyze impactful collaborations and contribute meaningfully to the resolution of shared issues, fostering a more interconnected and harmonious global community.


Global Conflict, Terrorism, and War: At the forefront of the council’s mission is the imperative to address and mitigate the scourge of global conflict, terrorism, and war. By convening experts, policymakers, and stakeholders, the council fosters nuanced discussions aimed at understanding the root causes of conflicts, identifying early warning signs, and promoting strategies for conflict prevention, resolution, and peacebuilding on a global scale.

Energy Transition and Climate Change: In recognition of the existential threat posed by climate change, the council directs its attention towards advancing solutions for a sustainable energy transition and mitigating the impacts of climate change. Through innovative research, advocacy, and collaboration with key stakeholders, the council seeks to accelerate the adoption of renewable energy sources, promote energy efficiency measures, and advocate for policies that address the urgent need for climate action.

AI, Blockchain, and Chips: Embracing the transformative potential of emerging technologies, the council explores the frontier of AI, Blockchain, and Chips. By delving into these cutting-edge domains, the council aims to harness the power of artificial intelligence, decentralized ledger systems, and advanced computing architectures to drive innovation, enhance productivity, and foster inclusivity in a rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Democracy, Rule of Law, and Human Rights: Upholding the principles of democracy, rule of law, and human rights lies at the core of the council’s values. Through rigorous research and advocacy, the council endeavors to strengthen democratic institutions, promote the rule of law, and safeguard fundamental human rights for all individuals, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, or socioeconomic status.

Africa’s Role in Global Leadership: Recognizing Africa’s potential as a key player in shaping global dynamics, the council seeks to amplify the voices and perspectives of the continent. By highlighting Africa’s rich diversity, cultural heritage, and economic potential, the council advocates for greater inclusion and representation of African interests in global decision-making processes, fostering a more equitable and inclusive international order.

Rethinking Globalization: In an era of profound global transformation, the council critically examines the concept of globalization and its implications for societies worldwide. By fostering dialogue and debate, the council seeks to redefine globalization as a force for positive change, promoting inclusive economic growth, cultural exchange, and sustainable development that benefits all nations and peoples.

Through our efforts and collaborative approach, we aim to serve as a catalyst for positive change, inspiring collective action and forging pathways towards a more prosperous, peaceful, and sustainable future for generations to come.


Benefits of becoming our Research Fellow 

Prominent Platform Exposure: Featured on our website and at events, showcasing your research to a wide audience.

Potential for increased sales on our website, leading to financial compensation for your contributions.

Event Participation and Compensation: Opportunities to present your findings during dedicated sections at events.

Financial compensation for your active involvement in events focused on your research.

Interview Opportunities: Submit reports based on your research for chances to be interviewed.

Interviews provide a platform to share your expertise with a broader audience, amplifying your work’s impact.

Logistical Support for Event Speaking Engagements:We cover logistics and arrangements for you to attend and speak at events.

Ensuring your valuable perspectives reach diverse audiences and contribute to global conversations.

Annual Awards for Outstanding Contributions: Recognition through annual awards celebrating exceptional research contributions.

Acknowledgment and celebration of your dedication and excellence within your field.

To  join our research fellowship and help in facilitating and managing conversations on our common issues that affect people everywhere and the collaborations required to resolve them please email

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