The Nigeria Forum | London UK

The key to unlocking Nigeria’s true potential lies in harnessing its strengths, stabilising the economy, navigating global volatility, addressing the climate crisis, and empowering the country’s youth to drive sustainable and inclusive growth.
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The Nigeria Forum | London UK

October 1 @ 9:00 am 5:00 pm UTC+0

The Nigeria Forum, now in its second edition, continues to be an influential platform that brings researchers and policymakers together to engage in meaningful conversations about Nigeria’s challenges and opportunities. Building on the success of the previous edition, the 2024 Nigeria Forum aims to delve deeper into crucial issues and contribute to evidence-based policy making for the country’s progress.

Organized by Dr Brian Reuben and the Sixteenth Council, an international think tank,  the Nigeria Forum’s credibility stems from its commitment to promoting rigorous research, fostering intellectual discourse, and bridging the gap between academia, government, and other relevant stakeholders.

The primary objective of the 2024 Nigeria Forum is to address the critical issues facing Nigeria’s economy. Nigeria stands at a critical juncture, with immense potential yet facing pressing challenges. The country’s innovative tech sectors, dynamic young population, and rising global interest in its markets offer a promising foundation. However, the nation must address pressing issues such as high inflation, unemployment, foreign exchange constraints, insecurity, unsustainable debt, and the lack of opportunities for its youth.

The key to unlocking Nigeria’s true potential lies in harnessing its strengths, stabilising the economy, navigating global volatility, addressing the climate crisis, and empowering the country’s youth to drive sustainable and inclusive growth.

The Nigeria Forum serves as a platform to begin finding these answers. This prestigious event brings together policymakers, business leaders, financiers, and visionaries to engage in crucial dialogues and networking aimed at transforming Nigeria’s challenges into opportunities.

Together, stakeholders can devise strategies to harness Nigeria’s inherent strengths, stabilize the economy, navigate the complexities of the global landscape, tackle the climate crisis, and unleash the power of the country’s young population to propel sustainable and inclusive development

$500 Basic Ticket

The Sixteenth Council, Brian Reuben Policy Group